Who is afraid of the Big Bad Wolff?

So Michael Wolff finally responded to the thousands of emails that had bombarded his mailbox and titled his blog entry Hillsborough: The Internet Strikes Back .

You simply have to love how he spun the whole thing around and made himself the victim and used certain comments like Bully & Jihadi.  Instead of apologising and moving on he ended up insulting the Hillsborough victims and L.F.C. supporters more.

He really does not understand what we are all about, American Sports fans are not passionate like us most of them are fair-weathered fans who only stand by their teams if they are winning.  At L.F.C. we are one big family a few million strong. At Hillsborough we lost 96 family members and that is why when we sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” we sing it with such passion, to the immediate family members of the victims we are always there for them.

So Mr. Wolff if ever you decide to come down from your throne up high and mingle with us commoners and read this posting maybe you will understand what you have done.

Please tell your friends about this and invite them to join our Facebook group.

Until then we will keep our struggle,

Justice For The 96.