Manure: the “perfect” team.

Is quiet funny how manure fans are around here in this country, all of them loving Ronaldo like he was the best (the best actor?) , and saying that Manure is the best ’cause in the last twenty years have been the leaders of premier league.

I was talking minutes ago with a friend of my bro and he’s in love with manure and the only thing he says is: we won premier league, we won this, we won this, etc. & i answered him:  slow down, you haven’t got what we already got many years ago,  your manager believes He’s the best and still can catch us all, and the most important, all of you believe your players are something like gods, but they just human beings and they are going to fall down, because Liverpool Empire is just taking a little rest for renew people and army.  He just said, no you’re fucking wrong ’cause Manchester is the best and the other England teams are just secondary groups. We’ll, if we are secondary team, then how can you explain me that Manure haven’t got what we’ve already got? there’s just one explanation: Manure, is just Manure, and no matter how classy and stylish they wants to get dressed, they are just manure, thinks like manure, and smells like manure. But Liverpool was, is, and it’s going to be always the real truly world king.

Then he just shut his mouth up and I laughed.

I wanted to tell you this ’cause I know many of you have fought or arguing with manure fans.