The S*n will soon set

I am sure many of you have heard that  Rupert Murdoch is threatening a war with Google over the fact that they send all this free traffic to his newspapers websites (here is the full story)

Murdoch is a dinosaur of the old media age and thinks that he can bully one of the world’s most innovative companies to do it his way.

The fact is that Murdoch’s newpaper division is hemorrhaging money and there is no way to stop it, the newspaper industry is dying. Murdoch is trying one last desperate attempt to slow down his newspapers’ death but what he is doing is actually accelerating their demise.

This includes the most hated tabloid of all “The S*n” and my prediction is that it will not be too long until the dirty ink of this vile publication stops running.

Sorry Rupert, this is the 21st century.
