You’ll Never Walk Alone says all that needs to be said:
“When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high,
And dont be afraid of the dark,
At the end of the storm, is a golden sky,
And the sweet silver song of the lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown,
Walk on, Walk on with hope in your heart,
And you’ll never walk alone, You’ll never walk alone!”
We walk with our team and manager in goods times but more importantly we walk with them in bad times. We do not walk behind them sharpening our knives!
That said we need our fan base as one. The anti-Liverpool bias in the media is winning with its’ divide and conquer tactic. Whether you are like me in the Pro-Rafa camp or not, we all support the team. Supporting the manager or calling for his head is no indication of whether you are a real fan or not. True fans are indicated only by the Liverbird they wear, literally or metaphorically, on their chest! We are all true Liverpool fans.
I have seen it written in recent days that Shankly would be rolling in his grave not just at the off-field problems but also at the performances on the pitch. This cannot be denied but his RPM’s would be greatly increased due to the squabbles and divisions among the fans between the Pro and Anti-Rafa camps. Lets all pull together. Debating tactics and selection is one aspect of being a fan and is perfectly acceptable, just remember Rafa is our current manager and until the board decide different, he deserves our full backing. I know you cannot keep living on past glories, but is this the record of a bad manager: 2 Champions’ League finals, winning 1, 1 FA Cup, and the highest points total with fewest defeats in a season not to win the League.
Do you still want to go the Man City route and sack our manager mid season?
thats beautifuully described Julian, thats exactly the way to go… you’ll NEVER walk alone
some friends need to look up in the dictionary what never means…
(i wz jus about to post on a similar topic, how’d u read ma mind:-) )
I suppourt LIVERPOOL, however my suppourt for rafa has somewhat diminished over the past few months :(
I think he has done his job with Liverpool Greatly, if we look at what we were before he came, compared to the squad we have now, its a staggering difference in class.
however i think the team needs something new, something fresh to inspire them. he has taken us as far as he can, and i think it is now time for him to pass on the baton.
“Do you still want to go the Man City route and sack our manager mid season?”
Rafa Benitez is NOT bigger than Liverpool FC. and my loyalty is to Liverpool FC and not to Rafa Benitez.
If sacking Benitez will save our Season (and in the long wrong, the club itself, – which more than any other top 4 side NEEDS to be playing in Europe in the Champion’s League next Season), then I say there’s no doubt about what we should do.
Great post!!
But yes- i want to go the man city way and sack our manager mid-way through the season.
Now dont say im not an LFC fan for saying this..
My hope and love 4 rafa is gone, mark huges got sacked and rafa deserves 2 b sacked. Liverpool are a top class team and benitez has only brought bad to the club this season
Great Post Julian, YNWA
“The anti-Liverpool bias in the media is winning with its’ divide and conquer tactic”
This is nonsense and it absolutely has to end before people start making themselves look really stupid. Look in the mirror, say it out loud and see if you don’t burst out laughing.
You don’t need to be biased to say the performances have been utter gash. So Andy Gray is a twat. Boo f#cking hoo.
The media doesn’t pick two defensive midfielders week in, week out. The media doesn’t inexplicably pick the same players to be rested week in, week out while others appear absolutely undroppable or even unsubbable. The media didn’t sign 50-odd players, let go of 60+ more to end up with reserves barely better than the players let go.
Did the media pick Dossena yesterday? Did the media sell Stephen Warnock for 1.5 million and sign Dossena for 7 million?
The media didn’t try and sell Alonso and replace him with Gareth Barry, then have no replacement lined up when the inevitable happened.
Some people need to take their tinfoil hats off.
I don’t want Rafa sacked. But this thing that he’s beyond criticism, that it’s all someone else’s fault, is absolute horse-shit.
I agree it sounds like paranoia but consider this:
Man Ure have now lost 5 league games this season, more than they lost during the entire campaign last year, yet there are no calls in the media for Slur Alco Fergushite’s resignation. Man Ure are given the luxury of being allowed an injury crisis, we are not.
Arsenal will be 5 seasons without silverware this year, yet Wenger remains in the job without calls for his head.
This is as it should be, but why is Rafa being singled out by the media in their attempts to sway popular opinion leading the calls for Benitez to be sacked?
Rafa is not above criticism nor should he be. As I say above, part of being a fan is debating selection and tactics, this develops a healthy understanding of football and builds a knowledgeable fanbase. Rafa has had a bad 3 months, not a bad 3 years like Souness and 2 years like Houllier.
Another aspect of being a fan is supporting the team AND manager through bad times. Rafa is our manager and until the board decide to change this, he deserves our faith!
Time is becoming an increasing luxury in the modern game but to dump a manager after 3 bad months is ludicrous. If we change manager now Stevie G can kiss goodbye to winning a PL medal with Liverpool. Whoever comes in, and who would want the job considering the wages and transfer budget we have at our disposal, not to mention the board room unrest, will take time to establish themselves and instill their method, style and tactics on the current squad.
You’re right that the alco hypocrite is not getting focused on, but, like it or not, he has the titles and because as bad as they have been, Liverpool have been a lot worse.
Second as bad as Liverpool’s injuries have been Rafa has not been reduced to playing, say Kelly, Mascherano and Lucas at the back.
Third Manure are comfortably in the next round in the CL and are 4 points off the top, not 14.
Fourth the Arse have not gone through any sustained period of anything like what we have had to sit through as far as I can remember under Wenger, and last season, when they did have a sticky patch before Christmas, Wenger was the focus of the press as it happens.
Fifth if we were losing touch with Manure, City and the chavs then we could talk about transfer funds. But we lost to Portsmouth, who can’t pay their wages; Birmingham are ahead of us and we lost to Fulham who have a stadium half Anfield’s size.
None of that is meant to end ‘sack Benitez’ but the FACT is that the ‘in Rafa we trust’ types are basically saying no one can criticise him, and it’s all someone else’s fault anyway. Which is horseshit.