I know I’m a Liverpool Suck Up….

In this world of instant contact, and busy times, I often wonder why the people over at LFC TV take their time to respond to people on twitter. Then I realize, I’m an idiot, and they’re doing it to just be human. I have a twitter, and a lot of you have seen me reply to Antoine on it. Though as nice as it is to talk to Antoine, what has got me is how easy it is to get ahold of the guys over at LFCTV.

Yes I know it’s part of a club’s goal to keep their supporters happy. Or so you’d think. Many other clubs don’t give a rats backside what their fans think. Now I’m not saying a lot of clubs shun their supporters, but there’s some and they are well known (Chelsea) who just don’t care anymore.

I also am full aware that the Board doesn’t care about the team or the fans, that’s just because they are big stupid doodoo heads. If they really cared about their investment, they’d RELEASE MORE MONEY. Sorry, it’s early in the morning and I’m bored.

But let’s be honest, the first line of defense to the supporters at the club is the PR department. And as someone who has worked in PR departments, and is a fan of sports, I have to take my hat off to the crew there. It seems like they are more interested in helping the fans sometimes, than themselves. It’s got to be a dream job for some of these guys to be working at a club with such history, and such great support. It’s probably like they go into work and not have a bad day.

And as a plus, their writing is top of the line. Yes I’m a writer, but I’m always looking out for the best writers to see if I can learn from them. That’s part of the reason why I’m writing on this blog since Antoine is a hell of a writer. Now if I could just learn to write like the people over at LFCTV.