Sir Stanley must be smiling, his ‘Pool is back

One big congratulations to Blackpool who have returned to the top flight of English football after an absence of almost 40 years.

For the past 30 years I have been following Blackpool and dreaming of the day when they play Liverpool again. After today’s events that day is almost upon us, next season it will be ‘Pool vs ‘Pool home and away. Our last game against Blackpool was back in 1971, even I was too young to remember.

The only British football player to be knighted was Sir Stanley Matthews, a Blackpool legend who will always be remembered for their heydays in the 1950s. Matthew’s ended his football career at the age of 55 with Hiberians, not the Scottish outfit but the team from my native Malta. My late father was a Blackpool fan and a huge admirer of Sir Stanley whom he met several times. Even my brother’s name is Stanley, my mum claims otherwise but I am convinced that my dad named him after his favourite player.

I am sure that my dad and Sir Stanley are both looking down and smiling tonight, however I must warn them, although we are not the force we once were, we still can punish you. Just focus on taking points away from Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal, Aston Villa, Tottenham Hotspur, Everton and Manchester City and we will smile back ;-)

