The signing of Joe Cole, brought a wave of excitement to Liverpool fans across the globe. UK sports media was dominated by the story but here in the UK this is something that we take for example. A mass of press access, 24hr news channels such as Sky Sports News and journalists in close proximity to the ground are something that we have come to take for granted as fans try to source the very latest information on their club and in this case its new arrivals.
Sometimes for overseas fans that information isn’t quite as forthcoming or not as much in abundance is possibly a more accurate summary. This article is a guest post from Cody Thrift, a passionate LFC fan from Dallas, Texas and the first in his views of how Liverpool news is perceived, received and spread “across the pond”.
An American Perspective
It’s 8:45 central time Dallas, Texas, I arrive at my desk to kick off another workweek, it’s Monday. It’s been a quiet weekend across all fronts of the EPL. Instinctively my mouse goes to the BBC football section. This is my normal web behavior, no email, no news, no other sports just football (btw I’d be shot dead on sight for using the term football in America). The headline read, “Liverpool won race to sign Cole” (BBC, 2010). I was floored, overwhelmed with excitement. I’ve been a fan of this guy since day one of watching the EPL. Even when he played for bitter rivals Chelsea, I still held the utmost respect for what he brought to them.
So, I have this great news and I can’t wait to share it. I look around and just laugh, anyone I mentioned the name Joe Cole to in my office would think he was a fashion designer or maybe the new guy who started in print production. This is the EPL, anything outside the World Cup you really begin to paint yourself into a lonely distant world. But I do have people around me who care deeply for the sport, I also have a supporting wife who enjoys it because I rattle on about it everyday (what can I say, I need someone to talk or more like tell about Liverpool and soccer everyday).
The first text I sent was at 8:47 to my mentor of the EPL and old roommate, Lane.
Me: Breaking News, Liverpool signed Joe Cole
Lane: What!! Really!! Awesome!! I heart him
Me: Yeah I know I have always been a big fan, front page of all the sport sections in the UK.
Me: I’m so excited
Lane: Me too
This is one of many responses I got across my network of Liverpool fans. We do exist, and we are quite passionate about a club 8 hours and one ocean away.
I’d like to tap into what Joe Cole will bring to the Kop, but I’ll save that for my next installment. I want everyone to take one thing away from this. For those of you that live in a place where you can talk to you neighbor, your mate, your mailman or even your handyman, remember to cherish it. This is not just a sport, but what I have come to find as a religion. You’ll Never Walk Alone.
Cody Thrift
You can follow Cody on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/cothrift
Image Source: Getty Images
Great Post Cody! I’m here in the middle of SEC country myself (heck I was practically born between the hedges of Sanford Stadium.)
Funny how this big old world became so much smaller with twitter and facebook and, in my case a Venezuelan coworker who grew up with “futbol.” So here I am, having been indoctrinated into the LFC by friends all over Europe and I’m loving it. Of course my local friends think I’ve lost it – some keep yelling Roll Tide at me. My husband tolerates it as long as no vuvuzelas are involved.
I think LFC fans are the greatest in the world and I’m happy to be welcomed into the fold. Everyday y’all show me more about why you love “our” team. YNWA!
I agree, great post! I felt the same way when it was announced…so excited but, no one to share with.
I went to college at the University of Oklahoma and currently work in southern New Mexico…and I often wonder if I’m the only LFC supporter in a 500 mile radius.
I know though, that even if it’s only in spirit I’ll Never Walk Alone.
Great stuff, Cody. I live in Germany and work in sport, but quite often my m,ates do not even know who the PL players are. The only have their Bundesliga and do not care. Well, I do not care about Bundesliga, to balance it … :-9 So I do now how do you feel.
But you know that Y.N.W.A! :-9
Ha! As another Liverpool fan in Texas, I felt a bit the same way! (My eyes about rolled out of my head a couple weeks ago when I saw an LFC jersey next door out in the boonies of east Texas!) I knew of a handful of supporters when I lived in Austin, but back in my hometown it’s mainly me and my mom, who I successfully converted :P Cheers! YNWA
That morning when i saw a big post in the UK sports section that read: “Joe Cole signs with Liverpool” i screamed out in joy: “oh sh*t!” “that’s f*cking awesome!”
Sometimes over here in America factual news about LFC is mostly based on rumors generated by the media. i have to admit, some news is better than no news.
I still have yet to find another Liverpool supporter anywhere. Well, actually i did see some guy wearing a LFC fleece at the park. Guess that makes 2 for now! Still relishing the enjoyment of watching a streamed Liverpool match with another kopite, that would be pretty cool.
YNWA from California!