An open letter to all Liverpool Supporters

Dear Fellow Reds:

Our club is going through a very difficult time, on the field we had a very rough week however we need to remember that whatever happens off the field is what is more worrisome.

October 6th is fast approaching and unless the club is sold or Hicks & Gillett refinance the loan then we might be taken over by RBS. While this is not the idea situation it would get Tom and George out of the picture. It is no secret that Hicks is desperately trying to refinance the loan in order to hold on to the club, which according to the media sources can be for up to another two years. Should he be successful then I fear the worst, we can’t have more stagnation, our club needs to move forward.

Many papers last week were reporting that Hicks had approached Blackstone in a bid to try to refinance the debt. Many Reds engaged in emailing the authorities at Blackstone and early Monday morning the bank distanced themselves from Hicks. While we might never know if it was our email campaign that caused them to back off some in the press have given us credit (Story Here).

On Tuesday Paul Wilson, a Scouse expatriate living in New York saw Tom Hicks outside the offices of Deutsche Bank AG and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.. Paul took some pictures with his Blackberry and emailed them to his wife Erin (@ErinNYC75). Erin Tweeted the photos and within minutes many Reds were emailing the offices of JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank urging them not to give any more money to Hicks.
Erin & Paul’s story was published in the Wall Street Journal this morning (Story Here). As you know every single banker in the world reads the Wall Street Journal.

Yesterday, another great Red Mark Jefferies (@mikejefferiesL4 ) came up with the idea to target the US Media and as of this morning papers in Dallas, San Francisco, New York and Washington DC had already published the story.

Erin, Paul & Mark have shown how one person can make a huge difference in this fight. Let us all learn from these three great Reds and keep fighting to win our club back. Of course there are thousands of other Reds that are contributing to this effort but I wanted to give a special shout out to these three individuals who have put their necks on the line in a bid to save our club.

Spirit of Shankly is also organising a sit-in protest at Anfield tomorrow (Story Here), please support this effort even if you do not agree with S.O.S.. We need to unify and support each others efforts if we are going to win this battle.


