Gone Missing : George N. Gillett, Jr.

UPDATE: Since posting earlier today  The Echo has revealed that he has defaulted on a loan
Here is the full story

As the ownership saga heads to High Court next week there is one person that has been missing during the whole thing, has anyone heard from George Gillett?

Before the news broke out on Tuesday evening that Hicks and him tried to block the sale by sacking Purslow and Ayre there was a rumour going around that Gillett had sold his shares to a third party. This rumour seemed to be dismissed when joint statement issued by Hicks and Gillett later that evening however since then it has been Tom Hicks’ name that keeps being mentioned by everyone.

We know how H&G tried to replace Purslow and Ayre with Hicks’ son Mack and Lori Kay McCutcheon (the VP of Hicks Holdings). So why would Hicks get to pick two members of the board? Shouldn’t Gillett get one of his people in too? They are partners at 50-50 right? Are they really?

Some argued that George Gillett has simply given up and didn’t want to fight anymore and just wanted out. Well that might be true however there is a lot of money involved and I am sure he wants to protect his interests more than anything.

Something seems fishy here and I can’t make it up. I don’t understand why there were two people from the Hicks’ camp and none from Gillett. I hope they didn’t find a loophole somewhere that would enable them to win the court battle next week.

Keep Calm and Carra on.


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