John Henry’s management style

I noticed that one of the only eight people that JWH follows on Twitter is someone called Jack Welch. Now I know who this is because I work within the People Management industry.

Jack Welch is the highly regarded former CEO of General Electric – one of the largest companies in the world.

Now Jack Welch developed many philosophies and methods that revolutionised people management techniques. He is famous for this within business.

So, why is it interesting that he is one of only eight people that JWH follows?
Jack Welch is most famous for a specific management technique called the vitality curve. This is a method that Jack pioneered where he would fire the bottom 10% performers within his company. This ensured that there was a continuous flow of high-performing individuals within a company. If you don’t perform, your out. See this for more:

Now, it is significant that JWH follows him as it must mean that he understands this management style – this is what Jack is famous for! And if true, then surely, SURELY this spells nothing but bad news for not only Roy Hodgson, but his backroom staff and also certain players – in time.

If you feel that this is relevant enough, please feel free to include it as an article, and a little credit would be great!

Either way, let me know what you think, and keep up the fantastic work!

Kunal Pandya
Twitter: @Kunal_Pandya