The Daily LFC: 19th November 2011 – Liverpool F.C. News update

Poyet calls Evra a ‘cry baby’ more…
(Yes he is)

And Fergie calls Poyet silly more…
(Fergie should shut up) 

Kenny believes that the charge will not affect Suarez’s performance more…

The King is not taking Chelsea lightly more…
(Of course he isn’t)

If you are going to the Bridge tomorrow make sure you have the right tickets more…
(Not that is a mistake I would make take the wrong tickets)

Pepe “We don’t miss Torres, we have Suarez” more…
(Just can’t get enough) 

Craig Bellamy reveals how he couldn’t say no to an LFC return more…

He also reveals that he snubbed Spurs to join LFC more…

Aquilani can leave for six million Euros more…
(The Italian clubs want him but they don’t want to pay for him)

The King has never lost a game against Chelsea as manager more…
(Let us keep the streak going) 

Lucas reveals that he has been watching Xabi Alonso more…

Frank McParland talks on how signing Pelosi was a real coup more…
(Yes it was)

Jonjo wants to play for Scotland more…
(I have a dream if dreams come true than Bonnie Scotland I will play for you)

A charity has thanked LFC more…

Some interesting stat as it was revealed that Stevie G is the 10th best ever player in CL history more…
(Wish they would go back to the start of the original competition as I am sure that there will be more LFC players) 

On Twitter @empireofthekop