Let The Sun Finally Set

By @flowerchucker 


Yesterday, the Hillsborough Independent Panel gave it’s damning verdict surrounding The Hillsborough Disaster. Many and varied factors came together to culminate in this tragedy and the report findings are, naturally, a huge relief to the bereaved families of the 96 poor souls lost that day, as well as to the Merseyside community at large.

The aftermath of the tragedy and the subsequent smear campaign was one of the worst examples of depravity ever to sully this nation. The Police, Support & Medical Services, Government and Media all had their part to play in this heinous conspiracy but, thankfully, justice will be served in due course.

However, we can all play a part in removing the stench of this disgraceful episode in British history.

In regard to (insert supermarket name) and this sorry state of affairs, I have always had one problem. Quite simply, I am truly astonished that you allow The Sun to be stocked at your Liverpool stores. Are you really unaware of the offence this ‘newspaper’ causes? Let me remind you of the allegations they concocted against your Merseyside clientele.

1 Liverpool fans pickpocketed the deceased
2 Liverpool fans urinated on the Emergency Services whilst tending to the dying
3 Liverpool fans verbally sexually abused a female who was dying

In light of this, I am absolutely staggered that you still allow The Sun to be in full view and on sale in your Merseyside stores.

I propose that your remove this title from circulation in your Liverpool stores. In fact, why not make a real statement and ban it nationally? Imagine how good that would be for your PR?

This is a serious proposal and one I am sure many of your Liverpool shoppers would appreciate. Put it this way, if you don’t remove it and another of your rivals does, I know of a lot of Liverpool shoppers who would quickly switch allegiance.

I hope this doesn’t fall on deaf ears.
