We have teamed up with Icons to provide you the chance to win a Stevie G. signed shirt. The shirt comes in presentation packaging with an official certificate of authenticity, which features an image of Gerrard signing. It is a superb item for any serious collector of football memorabilia and of course any Liverpool fan.
To enter the contest it is really simple, just go to this Facebook page and click on Enter https://www.facebook.com/iconsfootball/app_79458893817 between midnight BST on Friday August 16th, 2013 and 11:59PM BST Friday August 23rd, 2013.
One lucky winner will be announced on Tuesday August 27th, 2013.
Check out their Liverpool F.C. memorabilia http://usa.icons.com/
Update August 28th.
Congrats to Rosalind Sargent who won this Stevie G. signed shirt.