(Video) Brad Smith’s brother drinks a litre of ketchup in 3 minutes

This is comfortably the weirdest story we’ve ever blogged on!

And it sums up exactly why the internet is both weird and wonderful in equal measure…

Brad Smith’s Australian brother (we don’t know his name), has posted a YouTube video in which he gluggs a huge bottle of ketchup in under three minutes.

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You can see our left-back poke his head in front of the camera early on, as the other Smith sibling explains the task he’s randomly assigned himself.

I’m sure you’ll all agree, Smith’s involvement makes this a totally legitimate Liverpool news story. More interesting than anything from transfer deadline day, anyway!

In fairness, he finishes the lot – although we can’t imagine it did him much good whatsoever!

He’s almost certain to be a ‘mayonnaise on chips’ kind of guy from now on, anyway!