‘Shun The S*n’ campaign ramps up in Liverpool; more & more shops agree to stop selling rag

A campaign to stop the S*n newspaper being sold anywhere in Liverpool is gaining fantastic traction, we’re delighted to say.

‘Shun the S*n’ has approached countless shops in the city asking them to stop selling the paper, in exchange for shoutouts – and brilliantly – the vast majority have happily agreed.

Their Facebook page has over 21k likes in two weeks, their Twitter page is on the up (and will be after we push it from EOTK…) and they’ve got coverage in the Echo now, too.

This story explains how Asda have stopped selling the paper in their 11 Merseyside stores.

A spokesman for the supermarket giant said: “Listening to our customers and selling products that they love is at the heart of what we do and we always try to listen to customer feedback.

“Some products can divide opinion and it is not always appropriate for us to make the call on whether we should or shouldn’t sell them – but rather leave it to customers to vote with their trolley.

“However, there is a uniquely strong feeling towards the Sun in Liverpool that is clearly reflected in sales of the paper in some stores in the area, and so we have decided to remove it from sale in those stores where there is no appetite to buy it.”

We don’t need to explain why the S*n is a disgraceful organisation to anybody reading our blog. Not only was the way they covered the Hillsborough disaster disgusting, but their transparent apology came so many years too late it was better not said. The list of their lies and the number of lives they’ve ruined is endless.

We trust every Red already shuns the S*n, but dramatically back the decision from this campaign group to try and get it out of every shop, too.

It’s the country’s biggest selling paper, but not in our city.