(Video) Joe Gomez has teammates in stitches with hilarious quiz cock-up

Joe Gomez had Daniel Sturridge and Nathaniel Clyne rolling around in stitches after a monumentally funny error in Liverpool TV’s “Hip-Hop Quiz”.

Presenter Claire O’Rourke was showing the three stars pictures of various hip-hop stars when they were younger, and the players had to write who they thought it was on a board.

When Claire showed them a picture of a geeky-looking ginger kid, Gomez thought he was on solid ground. He wasn’t.

While Studge and Clyne both correctly identified the rapper in question as Eminem, poor Joe went for English singer-songwriter (and the antithesis of a rap star), Ed Sheeran.

Cue hysterics. The look on Joe’s face when he sees how badly wrong he got the answer is brilliant!

(Video via LFC official Twitter account)

“Are you OK, bruv, this is a Hip-hop quiz!” laughed Clyne. “But bro, Eminem’s not ginger!” retorted Clyne. “Sheeran does littles riffs and that.”

Perhaps all those painkillers have been making him delirious!!

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Gomez is expected back in first-team action in about a month, according to an article in the Echo yesterday.