James Milner has joined Twitter and proved his Sense Of Humour is actually incredible…

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James Milner: The hero we all deserve.

In this modern age of social media, tattoos, silly dances, diving and celebrity girlfriends, Milner reminds us of a different time.

Footage of Milner & Lallana celebrating Salah’s goal is hilarious…

The Englishman is old school – and we love him for it!

As a result, he’s developed a tongue in cheek reputation for being ‘boring,’ which his hard-working, no-nonsense style on the field exaggerates.

However, in actuality, he’s sharp, witty and has the ability to laugh at himself – unlike many footballers!

Yesterday, he decided to join Twitter and has already won it with his sole tweet which has gained nearly 28RTs.

We kind of hope he never sends out a never one and his entire account features just one picture of himself ironing.

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