Leaked document explains Bundesliga return strategy – Max 322 people per game

The Bundesliga is proposing to return behind closed doors in the coming months – and a plan of action has been drawn up.

Bundesliga journalist Ronan Murphy has tweeted out some of its intricacies, which could be potentially used as a benchmark for other European leagues, including the Premier League, to return.

It includes a maximum number of people per stadium (including players, management and support staff) as well as a key point: group quarantine not essential if a player catches COVID-19.

It’s a fairly bold strategy, and one that leaves us with more questions. If a player competes in a game of contact football and a few days later finds out he has COVID-19, can we really expect the rest of the footballers on that field to carry on playing without a test – just a ‘temperature check’?

Obviously, we hope it works – as a major European league proving it’s doable will help football in England return and will therefore enable Liverpool to win the title.