Everton fans need to stop twisting what happened to the Liver Building to suit their anti-LFC agenda – opinion

I knew this was going to happen, you knew this was going to happen. Some supporters of High Horse FC – AKA Everton – have twisted events that took place in the City of Liverpool to fuel their anti-LFC agenda.

Here are the facts: a group of people, most seemingly between the ages of 18 and 25, were ‘celebrating’ down at Liverpool’s Pier Head and at some point a firework was aimed at the Royal Liver Building.

Now, before a Bluenose twists what I’m trying to say into something else, this is a horrible thing to do and the person(s) responsible should be held accountable.

Here is a video of what happened (with a sweeping caption):

But here’s the thing. A Liverpool fan didn’t fire anything at one of the City’s most beloved landmarks, and neither did a football fan – an absolute whopper did.

You see, some Evertonians have been using what happened down at the Pier Head to fuel their anti-LFC agenda. Search ‘Liverpool fans Liver Building‘ on Twitter and you’ll see what I mean.

MORE: LFC fan nails it with Twitter thread about what happened at the Pier Head

If we let the actions of a small number of idiots be the basis we judge a whole fan-base on, then perhaps all Everton fans are xenophobes…

Less than 12 months ago, a fan of the Blues admitted to committing a hate crime against Liverpool player Mohamed Salah, as per this Echo report.

So are all Everton fans xenophobes? Of course not! Why then, when a minority act in a deplorable manner, should an entire fan-base be painted with one brush?

I didn’t aim a firework at the Liver Building, none of my family or friends who support Liverpool did either – it was just some idiot(s) who will be dealt with by authorities, I’m sure.

[EDIT: And to address the elephant in the room, I obviously don’t agree with public gatherings during the ongoing pandemic – personally, I’ve only left my house in the last three months to pay bills.]