Michael Owen
Michael Owen
My names Michael Owen and I've been a match-going red since I can remember. I'm originally a Road Ender, although over the last few seasons I've been sat in the Reclaim The Kop singing section, also know as Block 306.
I've done a lot of writing for various Liverpool websites and fanzine's in the past couple of years. I've had my own column on ShanklyGates.co.uk as well as various articles in one of the best known Liverpool FC Fanzine's Red All Over The Land. I did run my own Liverpool FC website, known as Walton Breck Road, for a while, although I had to give that up due to other commitments. You may have heard of the fan stories book 'Tales From The Travelling Kop' I was one of the three people that co-compiled this book which went onto be very successful and raised a large amount of money for the Ray of Hope Appeal to help Liverpool legend Ray Kennedy with his fight against Parkinsons Disease.
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