The Daily Antoine 15/10/2010 Liverpool F.C. News update
Broughton is hopeful that the sale will be concluded today more… (Y NWA) Hearing in Texas this morning at 1PM UK time...
Hicks & Gillett Secure TRO From Texas Court To Slow Sale
John W Henry, the principal owner of New England Sports Ventures (NESV) and the Boston Red Sox baseball team continues to wait...
Former US Congressman “Red Sox management are Liverpool fans”
Former US Congressman and morning show host Joe Scarborough is a Liverpool fan and has publicly Tweeted about his love for the...
The Daily Antoine 10/10/2010 Liverpool F.C. News update
The Daily Mail mentioned my Twitter yesterday more… (In the shaded area there. I have many watching me, got to be careful...
The Daily Antoine 9/10/2010 Liverpool F.C. News update
We have a new writer on EOTK, welcome aboard Justin Hanscombe here is his first post Today would have been John Lennon’s...
Liverpool FC & The 9pts Risk Explained
Liverpool head to the High Court to try and validate the sale of the club via a declaratory judegement, the proof that...